How to Export Orders Using an ImpEx with a Date Filter?

Hi Everyone,

This is a quick, but hopefully helpful, how-to tutorial. In this tutorial, you will learn the syntax to export orders using an Impex with a date filter.

The following ImpEx Syntax will export orders after 2018-12-20. Of course, you can modify this date for your specific reporting needs.

"#% impex.setTargetFile( ""Order.csv"" , true );"
insert_update Order; pk[unique=true]; code ; creationtime
"#% impex.exportItemsFlexibleSearch(""select {}, {o.code}, {o.creationtime} from {Order as o} where {o.creationtime} > '2018-12-20 10:10:00.0'"");"

To execute the ImpEx:

1. Log into HAC
2, Once logged into HAC,  from the main menu, go to Console -> ImpEx Export then copy the above ImpEx syntax into the Export content text area.
3. Click on the Export Content button.
4. The order data is provided in a ZIP file. Click on the ZIP file link to download the file to your local machine.

5. Open the the ZIP file.  Find a file called Order.csv. The Order.csv will resemble the following:

6. That's it! You just learned the syntax to export orders using an Impex with a date filter! Congratulations!

Marc Raygoza

Marc is the Founder of
He enjoys helping others learn more about SAP Commerce Cloud (Hybris). Marc is a SAP Commerce Certified Professional and has held the role of SAP Commerce Cloud Architect at Deloitte, PwC, Brillio (a Bain Company), and Nasty Gal. Marc holds an M.S. Software Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and a B.S. in Accountancy from California State University, Fresno. He can be reached at:

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