Configuration Settings for an Apache Load-Balanced Hybris Cluster

This tutorial demonstrates the configuration details for a two node, load-balanced Hybris cluster using Apache Web Server.   Steps Step 1 Configure Node1's file to resemble the following: yacceleratorstorefront.webroot= storefrontContextRoot= #Cluster clustermode=true cluster.maxid=2 cluster.broadcast.methods=jgroups cluster.broadcast.method.jgroups=de.hybris.platform.cluster.jgroups.JGroupsBroadcastMethod cluster.broadcast.method.jgroups.tcp.bind_addr= cluster.broadcast.method.jgroups.tcp.bind_port=7800 cluster.broadcast.method.jgroups.configuration=jgroups-tcp.xml cluster.broadcast.method.udp.multicastaddress= cluster.broadcast.method.udp.port=9997   Step 2 Configure Node2's file to resemble the following: yacceleratorstorefront.webroot= storefrontContextRoot=   #Cluster clustermode=true cluster.maxid=2 cluster.broadcast.methods=jgroups cluster.broadcast.method.jgroups=de.hybris.platform.cluster.jgroups.JGroupsBroadcastMethod cluster.broadcast.method.jgroups.tcp.bind_addr= cluster.broadcast.method.jgroups.tcp.bind_port=7800 cluster.broadcast.method.jgroups.configuration=jgroups-tcp.xml cluster.broadcast.method.udp.multicastaddress= cluster.broadcast.method.udp.port=9997 tomcat.http.port=10001 tomcat.ssl.port=10002 tomcat.ajp.port=10009 tomcat.ajp.ssl.port=10010 tomcat.jmx.port=10003 tomcat.jmx.server.port=10004   Step 3 Edit the Apache Web Server httpd.conf file to include the following: Header add Set-Cookie: "ROUTEID=.%{BALANCER_WORKER_ROUTE}e; path=/" env=BALANCER_ROUTE_CHANGED   <Proxy balancer://mycluster> …

Strange Hybris 6.3 Commerce B2C Accelerator Build Error on Windows 10

A month ago, a client asked me to build Hybris 6.3 on his Windows 10 laptop to demo the new 6.3 functionality. Since this was a local machine, I decided to install Hybris using the B2C Acclerator. Pretty harmless, right?. I ran the following install script from his command prompt: install.bat -r b2c_acc initialize However, my build failed when loading the grunt-karma.js task. I did some research, and learned that there was a conflict with my client's local version of NodeJs/NPM. I removed the existing C:\Program Files\nodejs from my client's PATH environment variables list, and this resolved the issue.

SAP Hybris Named a Leader in Gartner's 2017 Digital Commerce Magic Quadrant Report

Gartner, a leading information technology research and advisory company, has identified SAP Hybris as a leader in its 2017 Digital Commerce Magic Quadrant Report. The report evaluated over 20 digital commerce platform providers based on completeness of vision and ability to execute. Highlights of SAP Hybris key strengths mentioned in the report: Growth Double-digit revenue growth for its on-premise solution Triple-digit revenue growth for its cloud solution Reference customers reported extremely high overall satisfaction Platform Completeness Rich set of core commerce features Integrates with other SAP applications such as SAP ERP Vibrant Ecosystem and Partner Support Extensive partnerships with leading technology partners, including Accenture and Deloitte Digital Industry …

What are Enumeration Types?

Hybris Enumeration Types equate to the Java's enum type; predefined set of related constants. For example, shipping companies (carriers) used by a company. <enumtype code="CarrierType" autocreate="true" generate="true"> <value code="dhl"/> <value code="ups"/> <value code="fedex"/> </enumptype>

Solr Configuration: Increase Number of Indexer Threads for Better Performance

Solr indexing performance (shorter index cycles) may improve by increasing the number of threads used in the jobs that send data to Solr for indexing. The OOTB setting (1) may be too low. Take into consideration, the number of available cores on the node instance that is transmitting data to the Solr Master indexing server,  and apply a factor of 1 - 1.5 x the number of available cores as a general guide.

Which Companies are Using SAP Hybris and Why Your Company Should Consider It?

SAP Hybris's customer list is impressive, and includes the likes of General Electric, Epson US, Levi Strauss, Taco Bell and Nike.  Click here for the full list of SAP Hybris customers. Over the the last several years, SAP Hybris has invested heavily in its core platform. Forrester and Gartner both rank SAP Hybris as a market leader, and is considered among the top two or three digital commerce platforms in the world. Initially, SAP Hybris was better known in Europe, since it was founded in Switzerland, but the company has expanded well beyond its original European roots, and now has global …

Apache Solr Configuration

A dedicated master server used for indexing and two (2) slave instances used for querying is considered a standard Apache Solr architecture best practice. It's also very important to add a load balancer in front of the two slave instances. If one of the servers becomes unavailable, it will be removed from the load balancer until it goes back online again. While the server is unavailable, the second server will be available to respond to incoming search requests.