Introducing’s Dashboard for SAP Hybris Commerce

Enterprises need agile, quick-to-market eCommerce solutions to compete in the digital retail space. Right or wrong, eCommerce platforms, such as Magento and Salesforce Commerce Cloud, have reputations for being more agile than SAP Hybris Commerce. Ease of implementation along with unique, value-added services usually wins in any vertical software industry, the digital commerce solution space is no exception. Like many of you, I have been very interested in simplifying, as well as, accelerating the SAP Hybris Commerce development code change to production deployment life-cycle. Currently, production deployments, no matter the size, require a full build to deploy the code changes …

Thank You!! Thank You!!

I started the blog in early 2017. One of the primary reasons that I started this blog was to improve my own SAP Hybris Commerce knowledge, and in turn help those who needed assistance with their own Hybris learning journey. A year later, I am overwhelmed with gratitude with the number of visitors that have frequented! On a typical day, averages around 100 unique visitors. To date, visitors from over 90 countries have visited this "our" Hybris Commerce blog! Take a quick glance at the Google Analytics Visitor Map below to learn where our Hybris colleagues live …

What's New in Search and Navigation in SAP Hybris Commerce 6.6?

On December 14, 2017, SAP announced the release of Hybris Commerce 6.6. This release is packed with a number of useful features. In this article, we will focus on the new capabilities in Search and Navigation introduced in SAP Hybris Commerce 6.6. New Search and Navigation Features Introduced in Hybris Commerce 6.6 Enhanced Search Sxperience with Personalization In Hybris Commerce 6.6, Backoffice administrators may easily customize the search experience for targeted groups of customers. In the screenshot below, the Hybris Backoffice administrator created a new Solr Boost rule that boosts the Burton search keyword by 1.40, which will place all Burton products …

Hybris Commerce 6.5 is Now Available!

Today, SAP announced the release of Hybris Commerce 6.5. This release includes customer experience enhancements and backoffice manageability improvements. Overall, Hybris Commerce 6.5 is packed with enough new features that any new or existing Hybris client should consider implementing. There's one particular feature within the Hybris 6.5 Order Management area that caught my attention. A feature I have implemented on several client engagements, Self Service Return Labels. I've been patiently waiting for a Self Service Return Label OOTB offering from Hybris for a while now. Let's review this new feature in detail. With Hybris Commerce 6.5, Storefront customers may download product return …

SAP Hybris 6.4 Has Been Released!

SAP announced today, May 31st 2017, that Hybris 6.4 is now publicly available for customers. Here's a quick overview for several new or improved Hybris 6.4 features: Backoffice PCM (Product Content Management) Enhanced user interface from 6.3 Improved data and business rules validation Mobile responsive Apache Solr powered product search and facet navigation Backoffice PCM (Product Cockpit) List View Commerce Accelerator Deep-linking between a quote and order B2B-centric features Revive and re-quote inactive quotes B2B sales organizations' can reactivate and send quotes directly to the customers Configurable minimum shopping cart value Re-quoting a Previously Cancelled Quote View Marketplace Module  Out-of-the-box  B2C …

SAP Hybris Named a Leader in Gartner's 2017 Digital Commerce Magic Quadrant Report

Gartner, a leading information technology research and advisory company, has identified SAP Hybris as a leader in its 2017 Digital Commerce Magic Quadrant Report. The report evaluated over 20 digital commerce platform providers based on completeness of vision and ability to execute. Highlights of SAP Hybris key strengths mentioned in the report: Growth Double-digit revenue growth for its on-premise solution Triple-digit revenue growth for its cloud solution Reference customers reported extremely high overall satisfaction Platform Completeness Rich set of core commerce features Integrates with other SAP applications such as SAP ERP Vibrant Ecosystem and Partner Support Extensive partnerships with leading technology partners, including Accenture and Deloitte Digital Industry …