How to Write Your First Cron Job with SAP Hybris Commerce?

Cron Jobs play an important role in any software development project. Cron Jobs allow developers and system administrators to create automated tasks responsible for running programming jobs in off-hours, or on a consistent schedule. In my mind, all developers should have the ability to create Cron Jobs that run important, automated tasks when needed. In this tutorial, I will walk you through the basics of creating a Cron Job with SAP Hybris Commerce. If you haven't noticed already, I like to use Groovy scripts in my tutorials. For the following reasons, they are easy to write and easy to deploy. …

How to Evaluate Your SAP Hybris Commerce Pre Go-Live Readiness?

This tutorial will help assist with your SAP Hybris Commerce go-live readiness plan. As you near your go-live date, it's helpful to ensure your Hybris implementation team has properly configured the file for production usage. This tutorial will help validate that performance, security and configuration best practices have been implemented in your file. At the heart of this tutorial is a Groovy script developed to automate the verification of performance, security and configuration best practices for any Hybris Commerce implementation. Normally well-seasoned SAP Hybris Commerce consultants are required to verify proper configuration settings have been established, but after …