¿Cómo se Pueden Enviar Emails desde Hybris Commerce Usando Google Mail?

En una reciente junta con un cliente, el cliente solicitó revisar la copia de las plantillas de email de Hybris Commerce Out-of-the-Box (OOTB) en una fase temprana del proyecto. En ese tiempo, yo trabajaba off-site casi todos los días y no podía acceder manera confiable al servidor SMTP del cliente para enviar emails desde Hybris. En esta situación, decidí usar mi cuenta de Gmail para enviar directamente emails de Hybris al cliente. En este tutorial, mostraré cómo enviar emails desde Hybris Commerce usando Google Mail (Gmail). Prerrequisitos: Para completar este tutorial, necesitará una cuenta de Google Mail (Gmail). Nota: Hybris …

How to Build Omni-Commerce Microservices with SAP CX Hybris Commerce?

All businesses are interested in developing applications with more efficiency and without sacrificing quality. Speed-to-market is a critical ingredient that separates the winners and the losers in all vertical markets. As a result, CIO/CTOs are constantly evaluating technical architectural patterns that may give their businesses the upper hand against the competition. Microservices is a software design and implementation pattern that has received plenty of attention by technology executives over the past few years. What are Microservices? According to Microservices.io, Microservices is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of services that are: Highly maintainable and testable Loosely …