How Do I Programmatically Display Base Products That Have Variant Products in Hybris Commerce?

This tutorial provides step by step instructions how to display base products that have variant products using Groovy. Step by Step Instructions 1. Goto to HAC in your Web browser. (If Hybris is running on your local machine, type https://localhost:9002/ in your Web browser URL) 2. Type your user name and password once HAC is displayed. (The following screenshot displays the HAC login page with username and password provided) 3. Once you've logged in successfully, click on Console -> Scripting Languages 4.  Copy and paste the following code into the Console window: import import; import de.hybris.platform.core.model.product.ProductModel import de.hybris.platform.variants.model.VariantProductModel; Map<String, Object> params …

How Can Learning Groovy Improve Your Hybris Commerce Knowledge?

If you are serious about learning SAP Hybris Commerce, you must learn the fundamentals of the Groovy scripting language.  Groovy is an integral part of Hybris, and it will accelerate your Hybris Commerce development and testing efforts. For example, let's say you know nothing about the Hybris Stock or Warehouse Services. How would you learn more about these Hybris Services? Answer: Use Groovy to expedite your learning of these important services.  With this tutorial, I will show you how to retrieve a single product's stock level from a particular warehouse using Groovy. Prerequisites The BaseCommerce and ElectronicsStore extensions and their essential …

How Do I Display a List of Available Catalogs in Hybris Commerce?

This tutorial will provide step by step instructions to display a list of available catalogs in your Hybris Commerce implementation. Step by Step Instructions 1. Goto to HAC in your Web browser. (If Hybris is running on your local machine, type https://localhost:9002/ in your Web browser URL) 2. Type your user name and password once HAC is displayed. (The following screenshot displays the HAC login page with username and password provided) 3. Once you've logged in successfully, click on Console -> Scripting Languages 4.  Copy and paste the following code into the Console window: import de.hybris.platform.catalog.CatalogService; import de.hybris.platform.core.Registry; import de.hybris.platform.catalog.model.CatalogModel; CatalogService …