SAP AppGyver: Low-Code/No-Code Application Development Envrionment

As a development team, we began our SAP Commerce implementation journeys in 2014 as individual developers either working in the industry or implementation partners. We originally landed on the SAP Commerce platform because of our respective Java development backgrounds. I started learning Java in 1996, and deployed my first production Java application in 1997. Even though I have been working as a professional software engineer for over two decades, I am still very excited to learn something new that can help our clients save money and/or deliver solutions more quickly. Low-Code/No-Code (LCNC) Application Development I had been hearing so much …

¿Cómo Puede Diseñar una Arquitectura SAP Hybris Escalable en los Servicios Web de Amazon?

¿Está planeando migrar su implementación de SAP Hybris a los Servicios Web de Amazon (AWS)? Muchas empresas están considerando, o han tomado la decisión de migrar su implementación de SAP Hybris a AWS. Este artículo proporciona un punto de partida convincente sobre implementar Hybris en AWS. Hace varios meses trabajé en un proyecto de migración de Hybris-AWS. Al comienzo del proyecto pasé una considerable cantidad de tiempo investigando las mejores prácticas para implementar Hybris en AWS. Su primera pregunta podría ser, “¿Cómo luce una arquitectura Hybris escalable en los Servicios Web de Amazon?” El siguiente diagrama muestra una implementación simple, …

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Hybris Architect is an independent entity that creates intelligent SAP CX Hybris Backoffice Extensions. Hybris Architect also provides helpful tutorials, how-to's, and general information about SAP Hybris Commerce. All material on this Website is original unless noted otherwise. We hope Hybris Architect becomes your ultimate destination for successfully managing your SAP CX Hybris Commerce platform. For more information, please feel free to reach us at