How Do You Disable Tomcat's Development Mode?

Disabling Tomcat's development mode is an important step before moving your Hybris Commerce application into production.
Why is this an important pre-production step? When Tomcat is in development mode, it checks JSPs (Java Server Pages) timestamps for modifications. When a modification is detected, Tomcat will then recompile the JSP in the background. This process is wonderful for development as it helps with debugging, but will degrade production performance.

Here are the steps to disable Tomcat's development mode:

1. Open and the web.xml (config/tomcat/conf/web.xml)
2. Once the file is open, please ensure your web.xml file has its development parameter value set to false


3. Save the web.xml
4. From the hybris/bin/platform directory,  run the "ant all" command
5. Then perform the correct Hybris start command for your environment
6. Done

Marc Raygoza

Marc is the Founder of
He enjoys helping others learn more about SAP Commerce Cloud (Hybris). Marc is a SAP Commerce Certified Professional and has held the role of SAP Commerce Cloud Architect at Deloitte, PwC, Brillio (a Bain Company), and Nasty Gal. Marc holds an M.S. Software Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and a B.S. in Accountancy from California State University, Fresno. He can be reached at:

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