How to Export Orders Using an ImpEx with a Date Filter?

Hi Everyone, This is a quick, but hopefully helpful, how-to tutorial. In this tutorial, you will learn the syntax to export orders using an Impex with a date filter. The following ImpEx Syntax will export orders after 2018-12-20. Of course, you can modify this date for your specific reporting needs. "#% impex.setTargetFile( ""Order.csv"" , true );" insert_update Order; pk[unique=true]; code ; creationtime "#% impex.exportItemsFlexibleSearch(""select {}, {o.code}, {o.creationtime} from {Order as o} where {o.creationtime} > '2018-12-20 10:10:00.0'"");" To execute the ImpEx: 1. Log into HAC 2, Once logged into HAC,  from the main menu, go to Console -> ImpEx Export then copy …